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API Reference


    __var_or_model: Union[str, Type[BaseModel]],
    model: Optional[Type[BaseModel]] = None,
    exclude: Sequence[str] = (),
    rename: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None,
    shorten: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None,
    prefix: Optional[str] = None,
    parse_docstring: bool = True,
    docstring_style: Literal[
        "google", "numpy", "sphinx"
    ] = "google",
    extra_options: Optional[
        Dict[str, _ParameterKwargs]
    ] = None
) -> Callable[[Callable[..., T]], Callable[..., T]]

Decorator to add fields from a Pydantic model as options to a Click command.


Name Type Description Default
__var_or_model Union[str, Type[BaseModel]]

name of the variable that will receive the Pydantic model in the decorated function

model Optional[Type[BaseModel]]

Pydantic model

exclude Sequence[str]

field names that won't be added to the command

rename Optional[Dict[str, str]]

a mapping from field names to command line option names (this will override any prefix). Option names must start with two dashes

shorten Optional[Dict[str, str]]

a mapping from field names to short command line option names. Option names must start with one dash

prefix Optional[str]

a prefix to add to option names (without any dash)

parse_docstring bool

if True and griffe is installed, parse the docstring of the Pydantic model and pass argument documentation to the Click help option

docstring_style Literal['google', 'numpy', 'sphinx']

style of the docstring (google, numpy or sphinx). Ignored if parse_docstring is False

extra_options Optional[Dict[str, _ParameterKwargs]]

a mapping from field names to a dictionary of options passed to the click.option() function



Type Description
Callable[[Callable[..., T]], Callable[..., T]]

a decorator that adds options to a function

options: show_root_heading: false show_root_members_full_path: true show_root_full_path: true